Everything you need to know

What are ecigs?
These ingenious devices aren't anything new, but are rapidly growing in popularity, and anyone who smokes should know about them. They're also known as a smokeless cigarettes, electric cigarettes or e-cigarettes, and they are changing the boundaries for cigarette smokers the world round. Electronic cigarettes, or e-cigs, simulate the experience of smoking an actual cigarette, and without any of the health side effects of traditional cigarettes.

If you are truly interested in a healthier, better, and fun alternative to smoking, or if you would simply enjoy the freedom to smoke wherever and whenever you want, an electronic cigarette might be the solution you've been looking and waiting for. The obvious thing is for sure: the electronic cigarette allows you to enjoy a smoke anywhere and anytime you want - without harming yourself or your loved ones.

About Us
Our mission is to create a well-organized website with quality information that will help you with picking the right electronic cigarette. We started this site to help people with the specific need of getting more information about electronic cigarettes. When I first started learning about electronic cigarettes, I couldn't find a good resource online that gave me all the information I needed to buy and use electronic cigarettes.

by Cali brand south Beach smoke
South Beach Smoke offers 10 flavors and four strengths in both the premium and deluxe models. Flavors include Tobacco, Menthol, Cherry, Vanilla, Chocolate and more. The Chocolate is surprisingly good and very delicious.

Review by fellow french vapers from Arômes & Liquides.
Today, I wanted to test something different and here you go: this french electronic cigarette all-in-one (AIO) operates on 18650 battery while developing a nice power of 80 watts while remaining in a very compact Pod format.